High-Quality Embroidery Digitizing Services

Dream Embroidery understands the embroidery process and provides its customer with the best bargains and most effective outcomes. Our experienced and highly skilled team meticulously construct each design to minimise thread changes, operate smoothly on your machine, and generate sharp-looking graphics.

Dream Embroidery is a strong leading in-house embroidery digitising company in India, providing the best and most spectacular bespoke embroidery digitising services to both domestic and international clients. We have one of the most seasoned and brilliant teams of professionals on staff, and we are well-equipped to handle embroidery digitising designs of all levels of sophistication. Whether there is a need for small size of life like huge sizes, our team delivers assorted kinds of requirements to our renowned clients all over the globe.

Experience & Focus On Success

Our in-house designers have decades of industry expertise and the most cutting-edge technologies (hardware and software) to assure outstanding quality, dependability, and attractiveness in our embroidery designs. We routinely surpass your expectations with our computerised embroidery quality, prompt service, and price.

While our clientele refers to us as “precisians,” we have worked extremely hard to earn their trust. You can expect nothing except brilliance from our personalized embroidered designs, and brilliance is our favourite thing when it comes to embroidery digitising solutions.

With our innovative and sophisticated digitization solutions, we work as hard as you do to keep you ahead of the competition.

Wide Range Of Embroidery Digitizing Service At Competitive Price

When you work with Dream Embroidery, you can be confident that you are working with the industry’s best specialists that care about your business and are dedicated to providing you with the finest solutions.

Dream Embroidery has one of the largest and purposely created embroidery digitising facilities, with hundreds of incredibly talented and seasoned digitizers ready to take all designs for digitising.

  1. a) Cap Digitizing
  2. b) 3D / Puff Digitizing
  3. c) Applique Digitizing
  4. d) badges/Woven badges
  5. e) Jacket back logos-

Our team is responsive and strives to roll in any project given within 24-hours. Regardless of the initial layout (a sketch or low-resolution file), you can expect the absolute highest level digitised file that integrates all subtle contours and variability in the design, resulting in a smooth and graceful final piece with cutting-edge functionalities.

Various File Types For Your Convenience

With over 10 years of expertise and an extensive understanding of embroidery digitising, we are uniquely qualified to meet all of your embroidered requirements.

Which file types do we use?

There are two types of file genres: outline (or parent) and expanded (or machine)

  1. Outline files (or parent types) are software specific.
  2. Extended files are more general and can be well-read by embroidery tools or machines.

Depending on the embroidery machine, or even the layout or design, several file types are required. Even separate software generates files in various formats that are also requested as per current market standards.

To streamline the process and be more constructive, we, at Dream Embroidery offer a variety of embroidery digitising file formats that are compatible with industry-standard machine embroidery digitising file formats such as DST, EXP, EMB, CND, DSZ, DSB, KSM, XXX, T09, T05, T04, T03, T01, TAP, EMT, SEW, HUS, JEF, PCS, PCD, PES, PEC, CSD, PCQ, or any particular as demanded or required by our clients.

Our major objective is to present you with a layout that is free of thread breaks and unnecessary stitching. Our production team at Dream Embroidery use complex detailing and colours to bring depth and personality to your demanded artwork. Your embroidered designs are completely production-friendly when you work with us.

Embroidery Digitizing Gallery